There are several different ways to search for content on the IBO Player Pro.
1. On opening the Live TV screen you'll see two ways to do a search.
The top option is a category specific search. This means it will only search the category you currently have highlighted.
The bottom option (purple search button) is a universal search and will search through everything. Live TV, Movies, and Series.
2. You can also perform a universal search while on full screen from the menu.
3. Using the search box on the movie or series sections is category specific. If you want to search through all the different movies or series then make sure All is highlighted like in the picture below.
3. When doing a search make sure you press on it enough times to pull up the keyboard and remember, like all search engines, the less you put in sometimes the better. Eg. If you're looking for the movie Goodfellas type in Good.
4. After typing in what you're looking for, and the contents start to load, do not press the enter button or next option on your keyboard. Instead press the back button on the remote and that will take you to the screen where the results appear.